
32 results
4th Global Foresight4Food Workshop Summary Report
The Foresight4Food team has developed a summary report that features highlights and insights of the week-long workshop. The report features key messages that came out of the event as well as future directions and emerging priorities for the Foresight4Food initiative.
Date Published: September 2024
Foresight4Food and ICIMOD hold a regional training workshop on foresight for systems change
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) invited Foresight4Food to collaborate in facilitating the training, using Foresight4Food’s Framework of foresight for systems change. Facilitated by Jim Woodhill, Lead Foresight4Food Initiative, the workshop brought together a group of 35 development practitioners from across the Hindu Kush Himalaya region
Date Published: August 2024
FoSTr shares Bangladesh food system map, discusses key food system bottlenecks
Following the 4th Global Foresight4Food Workshop in Savar, Dhaka, the Foresight4Food FoSTr team held an engaging session in Dhaka city to share the final version of the Bangladesh food system map, discuss the country's key food system bottlenecks, and present the FoSTr/SHiFT modelling work carried out by the Wageningen MAGNET team.
Date Published: July 2024
'Urgent need to foster nutrition-resilient communities' message from Global Foresight4Food Workshop
4th Global Foresight4Food workshop brought together foresight practitioners, users, researchers, and food systems experts from across the globe for stronger collaboration and to identify opportunities for enhancing the use of foresight in food systems transformation initiatives, deepen the understanding of effective foresight approaches, methods, and tools...
Date Published: June 2024
Exploring common vision for future of Lake Turkana food system, a multi-stakeholder workshop in Marsabit
Together with the World Food Programme and the World Food Programme Innovation team, The FoSTr team held a highly interactive and productive three-day workshop to support the co-creation of the new ‘Sustainably Unlocking the Economic Potential of Lake Turkana’ programme.
Date Published: March 2024
FoSTr held workshop with Nakuru's food systems stakeholders
A follow-up to the FoSTr Nakuru Roundtable held in Nov 2023, the Foresight4Food FoSTr team headed to Nakuru once again to facilitate a scenario development workshop with the county's food system stakeholders.
Date Published: March 2024
FoSTr team presents the findings of the Uganda food system analysis with stakeholders
Following up with the 'Future of Food in Uganda' workshop, Foresight4Food FoSTr team held a second foresight workshop involving various stakeholders engaged in the Ugandan food system.
Date Published: March 2024
'Overview of the Jordanian Food System' Report Published by FoSTr
Jordan, January 2024 – The Foresight Food System Transformation (FoSTr) programme has been working in Jordan as a support facility...
Date Published: February 2024
Multi-stakeholder dialogue and working session in Amman
Foresight4Food sought to further contribute to processes at the national level through a multi-stakeholder dialogue from different sectors of the Jordanian food system. Together with Jordan food systems stakeholders, the Foresight4Food team shared
Date Published: December 2023
FoSTr Nakuru Roundtable and Follow-up Stakeholder Meetings
Foresight4Fod FoSTr programme with partners Results for Africa Initiative, International Livestock Research Institute, and the University of Nairobi, organized a ‘Nakuru Foresight Roundtable’ for food systems stakeholders in the Nakuru county in Kenya.
Date Published: December 2023
'Future of Youth in Africa’s Agri-food Systems' Workshop Report is Out
The 'Future of Youth in Africa’s Agri-food Systems' workshop produced a number of outputs and resources including a detailed Workshop Report and Discussion Paper, a useful Data Resource and an interesting Workshop Video featuring the highlights of the event.
Date Published: November 2023
A Leaders Capacity Development Workshop in Naivasha
the 'Facilitating Foresight for Agri-Food Systems Change in Africa – A Leaders Capacity Development Workshop' held in Naivasha focused on transforming agri-food systems but was also relevant to those working on wider development issues to develop a network of leaders who can apply foresight in their
Date Published: November 2023